Sunday, December 7, 2014

Phil Duncan

Phil Duncan was born in Cincinnati and has come extremely far from there, he went to UK for architectural design but also studied journalism and communications. His first job was working with Macintosh when they first came out, he then moved on to go back to school for an MBA at Ohio State, he graduated and went to work at P&G but then left that to “go back to his design roots” and work with the company Landor and help build it up in Cincinnati. Later on he was offered a job back at P&G by the CEO and he now runs the design team. He has a huge mix of design and business in his job because P&G helps design for  hundreds of products sold in retail. He has very strong fundamentals that he goes by when it comes to being a designer or working for P&G or at any job, you should have a strong passion, know what you're talking about, be hard working, a good storyteller, have guts and curiosity. P&G’s core value to envision possibilities is very relative to his lifestyle. He sees design advancing with technology and believes that 3D printing will be the next big thing once it is ready to be thrown into the world. From growing up in Cincinnati to traveling the world, design has definitely done him well.

Design Autobiography


A design firm we spoke to called LPK was composed of a board of six different individuals who have graduated and are now working in the field they love. LPK is the largest employees owned business where they help brands shift themselves on a local and global scale. LPK makes adaptations so the brand will continue to be successful in the market. They are able to do this by developing the brands strategy. LPK believes design touches every aspect of everyones life by helping solve everyday problems. They also state that design improve sustainability of everyday life. In the future, LPK believes that design will be shifting so that even people who aren't in the design world will still be shifting in a design sense.